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sea creatures

"Unknown sea creature. These are hybrid bodies that are a combination of modified or heterogeneous elements, and although they resemble living creatures we know, they are not them. There are parts that resemble humans, but they are not humans either."

"알려지지 않은 바다 생명체. 이들은 변형되거나 이질적인 요소들이 합쳐진 혼종의 몸으로, 우리가 알고 있는 생물을 닮았지만, 그것이 아니며, 인간을 닮은 부분이 있지만, 인간도 아니다."

Passage Through The Kelp Forests_oil on canvas_193.9 x 390.9cm_2021
The Stare_oil on canvas_116.8 x 72.7cm_2021
The Night Hunt_oil on canvas_193.9 x 112.1cm_2020
The Coral Reef Man_oil on canvas_116.8 x 91cm_2020
Coraline Keratosis_oil on canvas_193.9 x 130.3cm_2020
The Tubeworms in Deep Sea_oil on canvas_130.3 x 324.4cm_2019
Winged Tripodfishes_oil on canvas_162.2 x 130.3cm_2019
The Giant Leafy Dragon_oil on canvas_116.8 x 91cm_2019
A Whirl of Flatworms_oil on canvas_91 x 91cm_2019
Night Out of Royal Lionfish_oil on canvas_80.3 x 116.8cm_2018
Glimpse of Royal Lionfish I,_oil on canvas_72.7 x 60.6cm_2018
Sleeping Nautilus_acrylic on canvas_73 x 73cm_2018

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